Once you pass your audition, you’ll get immersed in the art of script analysis, expression and movement, improv comedy, ensemble work and more! You and your troupe of fellow actors, singers, musicians, and dancers will present creative adaptations of some of the greatest dramas ever written.
Once you pass your audition, you’ll get immersed in the art of script analysis, expression and movement, improv comedy, ensemble work and more! You and your troupe of fellow actors, singers, musicians, and dancers will present creative adaptations of some of the greatest dramas ever written.
1. Performance – Refine your talents and put your skills in full display with training in voice, movement, dramaturgy and the art of acting as a gift of self.
2. Self-expression – Learn to speak Shakespeare’s language with such skill, power, confidence and purpose that you’ll improve your self-expression in the real world.
3. Anthropological knowledge – Humanity’s greatest poets express the deepest and most profound longings of the human heart. By studying drama, you learn how to connect with your fellow man in the past, present and future.
Chair of the Humanities Department; Professor of Humanities and Literature; Director of Shakespeare in Performance
(239) 280-1612
Canizaro Library 219
HUMS 206/LITR 206 Shakespeare
HUMS 330/LITR 330/COMM 330/THEA 330 Shakespeare in Performance*
*Shakespeare in Performance may and should be taken more than once because the course stages different plays and offers new theatrical and production work to students each time. For the same reasons, Shakespeare in Performance is cross-listed in HUMS, LITR, COMM, and THEA and fulfills elective requirements towards the minor.
An audition is required to take the Shakespeare in Performance course and earn the minor.
HUMS 330/LITR 330/COMM 330/THEA 330 Shakespeare in Performance
HUMS 415 Special Topics
THEA 206 Fundamentals of Acting I
THEA 207 Fundamentals of Acting II
THEA 410/HUMS 410/COMM 410 Shakespeare for Actors and Directors
THEA 415 Special Topics
THEA 416/HUMS 416/COMM 416/LITR 416 Clowning in Shakespeare
THEA 417/HUMS 417/COMM 417/LITR 417 Ensemble Shakespeare
The Department Chair may approve other elective courses appropriate for the minor.