By joining this program, you’ll gain a depth of knowledge of western civilization that very few people currently possess. From the Latin Vulgate and epistles of the Church Fathers, to the Golden Age of Latin poetry, to the study of modern ecclesiastical documents, you’ll discover a wealth of knowledge hidden to most.
By joining this program, you’ll gain a depth of knowledge of western civilization that very few people currently possess. From the Latin Vulgate and epistles of the Church Fathers, to the Golden Age of Latin poetry, to the study of modern ecclesiastical documents, you’ll discover a wealth of knowledge hidden to most.
1. Proficiency in Latin – This includes written and spoken proficiency. Steeped in the language of Rome, with a firm foundation in reading and comprehension, you’ll gain knowledge of both sacred and secular writings by encountering many of the greatest Latin works of the last two millennia.
2. Analytical Linguistics – Change the way you think about language by diving deep into the rigid structure and logic of the Roman tongue. It may appear alien and incomprehensible, but as you study it you recognize a great number of similarities with vernacular English. This will improve your understanding of both languages.
3. Problem Solving – Latin can be a puzzling language to decipher, especially when it comes to poetry and hymns. This minor gives you the tools to overcome this challenge and unravel the meaning of some of the most challenging Latin texts from the Roman world.
Professor of Classics
(239) 280-1619
Henkels 2050
Chair of the Classics and Early Christian Literature Department; Associate Professor of Classics
(239) 280-1667
Canizaro Library 218