By taking on our Classical Languages minor, you’ll study a broad range of authors, genres and subjects from Greek and Roman civilization. You’ll develop written and spoken proficiency and excel in reading comprehension by examining a vast body of sacred writings from the biblical, patristic and medieval periods and secular works from the likes of Virgil and Cicero.
By taking on our Classical Languages minor, you’ll study a broad range of authors, genres and subjects from Greek and Roman civilization. You’ll develop written and spoken proficiency and excel in reading comprehension by examining a vast body of sacred writings from the biblical, patristic and medieval periods and secular works from the likes of Virgil and Cicero.
1. Proficiency in Classical Languages – This includes written and spoken proficiency. Steeped in the mother tongues of Greek and Roman civilization, with a firm foundation in reading and comprehension, you’ll gain knowledge of both sacred and secular writings by encountering many of the greatest literary works from the last two millennia.
2. Analytical Linguistics – Change the way you think about language by diving deep into the rigid structure and logic of the Roman tongue or the complex beauty of the language of ancient Greece. As you study, you’ll not only discover the rich treasures of Greek and Latin, you’ll also come to a more complete understanding of languages in general, even your vernacular English.
3. Problem Solving – Classical languages can be puzzling to decipher, especially when it comes to poetry and hymns. This minor gives you the tools to overcome these challenges and unravel the meaning of some of the most challenging texts, in unsimplified form, from the Greco-Roman world.
Assistant Professor of Modern Language
(239) 280-2532
Canizaro Library 253
Professor of Classics
(239) 280-1619
Henkels 2050
Chair of the Classics and Early Christian Literature Department; Associate Professor of Classics
(239) 280-1667
Canizaro Library 218
LATN 101 Elementary Latin
LATN 102 Intermediate Latin
LATN 203 Latin Readings
GREK 103 Elementary Greek
GREK 104 Intermediate Greek
GREK 203 Greek Readings OR an additional course with a LATN prefix