God is the author of the spiritual and the material worlds. By studying biochemistry at AMU, you’ll wonder at the beauty of His handiwork as you collaborate with peers and professors to develop strong independent thinking and complex problem-solving skills. You’ll also acquire the necessary technical expertise to thrive in the chemical and biochemical sciences.
God is the author of the spiritual and the material worlds. By studying biochemistry at AMU, you’ll wonder at the beauty of His handiwork as you collaborate with peers and professors to develop strong independent thinking and complex problem-solving skills. You’ll also acquire the necessary technical expertise to thrive in the chemical and biochemical sciences.
1. Critical thinking and research skills. Familiarize yourself with the best biochemical resources and learn how to critically analyze and evaluate data. Students will conduct leading edge research in field ranging from materials chemistry, pharmacology of drug actives, computation chemistry and structural biochemistry.
2. Proficiency using scientific instruments. AMU’s biochemistry program includes a lab component so that you can become familiar with the many types of instruments and experiments used in the field.
3. Deeper insight into God’s nature and wisdom. All created things, even the tiniest, reflect God’s truth, goodness and beauty. In our biochemistry program, you’ll become intimately familiar with a segment of God’s creation experienced by few others. You’ll marvel at the intricacies of His handiwork on the microscopic level.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
(239) 280-1584
Henkels 3050
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
(239) 304-7963
Henkels 3027
Associate Professor of Practice in Chemistry
(239) 304-7027
Henkels 2058
Associate Professor of Chemistry
(239) 280-1528
Henkels 2049
Assistant Professor of Physics
(239) 348-4705
Henkels 3047A
Chair of the Chemistry and Physics Department; Associate Professor of Chemistry; Director of Physics Program
(239) 304-7940
Henkels 3048
Associate Professor of Physics and Mechanical Engineering
(239) 280-1607
Henkels 2047
(All courses are four credits unless otherwise noted.)
In addition to the courses in the AMU core curriculum, the following courses are required.CHEM 125 General Chemistry I with laboratory
CHEM 126 General Chemistry II with laboratory
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I with laboratory
CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II with laboratory
BICM 305 Biochemistry I: Structure, Mechanism and Metabolism with laboratory
BICM 306 Biochemistry II: Biophysical Chemistry with laboratory
BIOL 211 Biology I Cellular and Molecular Biology with laboratory
BIOL 303 Genetics with laboratory
BIOL 305 Molecular Biology with laboratory
PHYS 211 College Physics I with laboratory or PHYS 212 (University Physics)
PHYS 212 College Physics II with laboratory or PHYS 222 (University Physics)
MATH 151 Calculus I
Biochemistry/Chemistry electives are 2 or 4 credit modules. Up to 4 credits of CHEM 297 and/or BICM 497 may replace 4credits of this requirement.
CHEM 420 Physical Chemistry (4-credit)
BICM 450 Bioanalytical Chemistry (4-credit)
BICM 415 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (2 or 4 credits each)
Possible Topics Include:
• CHEM 297 Directed research
• BICM 497 Directed research
Six 4-credit courses
CHEM 125 General Chemistry I with laboratory
CHEM 126 General Chemistry II with laboratory
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I with laboratory
CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II with laboratory
BICM 305 Biochemistry I: Structure, Mechanism and Metabolism with laboratory
BICM 306 Biochemistry II: Biophysical Chemistry with laboratory
BICM 450 Bioanalytical Chemistry
BIOL 211 Biology I Cellular and Molecular Biology with laboratory
BIOL 212 Biology II Organismal and Population Biology with laboratory
BIOL 303 Genetics with laboratory
BIOL 305 Molecular Biology with laboratory
PHYS 221 University Physics: Mechanics with laboratory
PHYS 222 University Physics: Materials with laboratory
MATH 151 Calculus I
MATH 250 Calculus II or STAT 230 Applied Statistics or MATH 231 Mathematical Statistics and Design of Experiments
BICM 497 or CHEM 297 cannot substitute for this requirement for B.S. degree.
CHEM 420 Physical Chemistry (4-cedit)
BICM 415 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (2 credits)
Possible Topics Include:
• CHEM 297 Directed research
• BICM 497 Directed research
Two 4-credit courses